Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Belated Christmas!

Oh I feel terrible! Not putting something about Christmas ON Christmas.... But I think everyone can relate to being crazy busy before, during, and even after Christmas. I mean, I truly thought I had more time! Ridiculous no? Since I've had ALL year to get ready for it... So here it is:
MERRY CHRIST TIDE!!! (a little late)
And to be early this time....
~May God bless you in the year to come~

Monday, December 6, 2010

Random Happenings

I can hardly believe that about this time last week was our second production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, we have finished up at the theater, yesterday we performed it up at the Civic Center, and will later be performing it at two different churches.
Also, who can believe its almost Christmas?? This is all happening so quickly!
So a random hilarious thing happened to me today. My sister and I were home alone, and to make chores a little more fun, I turn on some music. Ok, so I was sweeping and singin' my heart out to Mr. Sandman by the Chordettes, and suddenly out my periphs (peripheral vision) I see someone coming to the door. I think it's my dad coming home for lunch and continue singing loudly. Meanwhile our ridiculous little Yorkie skitters across my nicely swept pile (arg!) and I yell HEY!! (unfortunately it wasn't a lady-like yell either!) I look up and see a strange car in front of our house, and a young man at the door.. I nearly had a heart attack! There I was, belting out the lyrics to a song, sweeping, while in my PAJAMAS, hair thrown back into a messy ponytail, and I yell like a man at the dog! How embarrassing... I laugh now, certainly not then. Thank the Lord I wasn't dancing...

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Crowding together in the kitchen, food sitting about on the counter, Maddy reading Psalm 145, bowing our heads, holding hands, and giving thanks for everything.
You have got to love Thanksgiving! Not merely because of the DELICIOUS food, or lovely desserts, but rather gathering with family you don't get to see often and laughing and having a wonderful time.
These are my top three things I'm thankful for this day:
1. I'm thankful for my Creator Who loved us enough to send us His Son, that He thought we were worth dying for, Who died an excruciating death for us, and rose again on the third day for our salvation, that He bridged the gap created between man and God since the Fall by stretching out His arms across the cross

2. For my loving and encouraging family, who are always there for me
3. My dear friends, who are just as crazy as I am

Hope ya'll have had a fabulous Thanksgiving day!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Les Miserables

Last night was the best night ever! My sister, mom, and i joined our friends to go see the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables. I cannot tell you just how absolutely breathtaking it was! We arrived and could barely breath with excitement, sat down after getting refreshments and impatiently waited until the movie began. When the lights dimmed I thought I was going to die of excitement!

Almost every song had me in tears, and when the unbelievably talented actors and actresses hit those amazing notes, I just sat there, draw dropped, with a silly grin on my face. It was SO crazy hard not to burst out into song, which, haha, we actually did...quietly. Oh! Is it even possible to describe such talent?? Even the orchestra had me in tears! It was the closest thing to perfect music on this earth. (well, most of it was...)

When the most remarkable concert ended, just when I thought it couldn't get ANY better, suddenly the crowd split, and out came the ORIGINAL cast from 1985!! Me and Rebecca couldn't stop cheering. Then they began to sing!! If I had died right then, I would have died completely happy! *sigh* Afterwards the two Frenchmen who originated the musical came out said a few words! I am surprised I didn't start crying at that too! It's now my dream preform in Les Miserables! Though I must say, if I'm going to be in it, I'm going to have to learn not to cry every time someone sings. ;)

Here's a glimpse of what we experienced. Grab the Kleenex... And btw, this isn't my video, unfortunately, we were not at the London performance, just at a movie theater in Ft. Worth. (the guy in the white, puffy shirt is Alfie Boe and he was the man who played Jean Valjean in the production we watched last night. He has such incredible talent!!)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Frog Leg Anyone??

Ok, I totally meant to blog about this yesterday, but, haha, forgot. The random and brave thing I did yesterday was I ATE A BITE OF FRIED FROG LEG!! And no, it doesn't taste like chicken, contrary to belief. I think someone just made that up so their sister would try it! It had a weird taste, and it was slimy! eh. Though I must say it definitely was not the worst thing I've ever eaten... like escargot. Gag me with a spoon. So...yeah. true story. :)

Bon Appetit!

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Day

A glimpse into my Monday
1. Studied like a maniac for my Biology test and felt confident about it, yet still was stumped by a few questions (why is that?!)
2. Got back my grade for the quarterly test last week and thank the Lord I made a good grade to make up a few grades which were...um, less then acceptable...so Huzzah for that!!
3. Drew what I saw under the microscope. There is NOTHING simple about a cell! It felt like someone had handed me a small pic of the Sistine Chapel and told me to try to sketch it! Egad that was complicated...
4. Prepared my monologue for Music Man JR.
5. Discovered that sewing and laughing is not a good choice. I dropped my needle somewhere in the couch and...hehehe, couldn't find it....oops.
6. RAN to my worldview class thinking I was late, but actually was a tad early, so winded for NOTHING...lol
7. I felt like Barney Fife in Worldview today... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBuPQgV8yBM
8. For Music Man auditions I recited Opportunity by Edward R. Sill and sang 16 going on 17 from The Sound of Music. Although I messed up a bit on the poem and my hands fluttered like leaves at my side, it went pretty well.
9. Had fun reading different parts in the script!
10. Now I am going to sew on those stays that need to be finished and maybe learn a bit more French...
~ Bonne nuit mes amis~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Small Questionnaire

The Rules
You are given 8 questions from the person who tagged you before, your job is to answer them, write 8 questions of your own, then tag 8 people with your questions.
1) What time period would you travel back to?
You might have well asked me to pick a star out the sky! Hard one. hmm....
Maybe the early or mid 1700's?? Because of the gorgeous clothing.Or maybe the 1500's because of the Reformation...and the clothing ;)
Can I choose all of them??
2) What five things make you extremely happy?
Books, the sound of laughter (especially little kids laughter!),
fabric, being with family, and
thunderstorms! :)
3) You find out that your great-uncle twice removed on your mother's side died and left you something huge. You arrive and you discover it is a ___________. What is your reaction? (fill in the bank)
I discover that he willed me his ancestral castle in Scotland overlooking the ocean. I'm so happy I cry. (that's what would really happen if something like a castle ever was willed to me) lol. :)
4) Have you ever met a celebrity? Ever been somewhere famous?
Unfortunately no. OH wait! Does going to a concert of someone famous count?? Didn't really get to meet them, but I got to seem them in real life! I admit....it was the Jonas Brothers. Yes, yes, when I was 13 i went through a 'JB' phase...pitiful huh?
5) Your favorite recipe please?
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!!!
2 1/2 cups of flour
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. baking soda
2 large eggs
1 tsp. salt
2 cups chocolate chips
1 cup of Crisco
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
PREHEAT oven to 375 degrees
COMBINE flour, baking soda and salt in small bowl. Beat Crisco, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla in large mixer bowl until creamy. add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. gradually beat in flour mix. Stir in chocolate chips. Use an ice cream scoop to place cookie dough onto ungreased baking sheets. Don't mush it down. (the last two instructions are my Nana's idea! Her choco. chip cookies look like those in cooking magazines! )
BAKE for 9-11 minutes or until golden brown.
Let cool and ENJOY! :)
6) What's an obscure movie that nobody has probably ever seen
that you really like...?
Brigadoon! So wonderful! :D
7) What is something you want really, extremely, exceedingly, terribly bad?
A plane ticket to Scotland!
8) A dream you wish to come true...occur...? (Not necessarily a "nighttime" dream...like a "daydream")
To travel the world or save someone from dying.
Alrighty, now for your questions.
1) If you could go ANYWHERE in the world, where would it be and why?
2) If you were a tree, would kind would you be?
3) Would you rather skydive or explore a deep, dark cave? (why)
4) If you could wear clothing from any time period (without being seen as odd), what would it be?
5) Would you be willing to sing an opera song at the top of your lungs in the middle of a mall for a hundred dollars?
6) Would you rather have an amazing castle beside a lake or a cottage by the sea? (why?)
7) If you could change your hair color to any color, what would it be?
8) Would you rather live in a tree house or fly away with a balloon?
These are for anyone who wants to do this small questionaire. :) Send me a link if you do!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Lovely Fall Day

Today I went with my mother and sister to go shopping. At Southlake Town Square we went to Bath and Body Works where I found dazzlingly beautiful glitter (I'm a sucker for glittery things) and just to have fun rubbed some on my face. I had no idea it was dark purple glitter and my sweet sister hastily rubbed it off, whispering it looked awful. Goodness gracious! What would I do without Maddy?! We got a good laugh from that incident. After a few more stores we went to Jo Ann's where I finally got the fabric for a 70's dress I needed for a play we're in. The pattern unfortunately called for horrendous fabric. A double knit polyester. *gasp* At least I was able to get it in bright mustard yellow! :)
Afterwards we went to Target where we bought fun colored tights in hot pink and teal for Maddy, and purple and navy for me. Also worth mentioning, Maddy convinced me to let her try peacock blue eyeliner on me. Once she applied it she grimaced. Not exactly reassuring! I rushed around trying to find a mirror and once I did, I just had to laugh. Maddy had (accidentally) way overdone the wet eyeliner and made a blobby mess. After smearing a bit off, I managed to make it look decent, sort of. lol.
Heading out to the car, Maddy stood on the front of the cart while I ran and pushed it. I'm sure it was like flying. Once we loaded up the car and waited for mom to come back, we turned up the volume of the radio and sang our hearts out. Driving home we sang some more, laughed and admired the lovely sunset and the sliver of a moon rising up in the night sky. Altogether a lovely fall day, even though I had to do Biology homework afterwards and the bright blue eyeliner turned out to be waterproof. Lol. Fun day.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Help Meet

I'm thrilled to pieces! Tomorrow is the beginning of a Small Group of 13 girls reading the book below, and it's at our house. I'm so excited! It is one of the BEST devotionals I have ever read. For all of you single girls 14 and up , I highly recommend it!
(isn't it gorgeous!)
The back of the book reads:
I can think of nothing I want more
than someone to truly love me.
You spend your time pining away for your
true love and suddenly... you're married and
it is a lot more than you bargained for. Now is
the hour you should be preparing to be a wife- to
be a help meet.
What does a good guy really look for in a girl?
are you a Dreamer, Servant, or Go-to Gal?
Do you know what to pray for your man-to-be?
Should you tell a guy you like him?
Can you know God's will in choosing a husband?

As soon as I read that I immediately flipped it back to the front and flew through the book. It truly is amazing and was really convicting. I need to pray more, change the way I talk to being more positive instead of negative, I need to start learning about how to fix things around the house, how to cook a whole meal. For most of you girls out there, you probably already know that. Me? I know how to bake cookies, omelets, sandwiches and shortbread. I'm afraid my skills are bit lacking there.
Hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!

Friday, September 17, 2010


My life since the last post has been crazy busy!
I've been...
1. getting back into the groove with school. We go attend a christian academy for homeschoolers, where the classes are amazing but the homework is quite consuming!
2. waiting on repairmen because several things are being improved at our house.
3. hanging out briefly with our friends on the weekends.
4. hoping to work on different sewing projects. Which are barely being touched since World View is taking up most of my time!
5. working towards my license...Slow but steady wins the race is what i keep telling myself.
(and the most exciting thing is...)
6. yesterday we packed quick as lightening and drove as fast as we legally could towards Amarillo to see our new baby cousin! We are SO completely in love with Jude Quinn (isn't that the cutest name??) and are marveling at how darling he is!
Aunt Snuzi and Uncle Brad brought home Jude today and we all laid on the bed talking and cooing over the new baby. Baby James (well, not the baby any more!) is the best big brother, held Jude gave him a slobbery kiss on the nose and laid his head on the little bundle of baby. So sweet!
Holding Jude's hand, I marvel at how tiny he is! His skin is incredibly soft and he makes such soft little cooing noises. There's nothing so sweet as a new born baby!
Here is a link to see pictures of Jude Quinn.
I think it is so fun to be the oldest cousin out of seven. I cannot wait until I am more experienced driver and can take my little cousins out to the park or to feed the ducks at the pond. Until then I can just enjoy holding and playing with my little cousins.
Maddy and I are the oldest and only girls out of the seven cousins on my mother's side. I often wonder where on earth do little boys get their energy?? ;)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here Ye, Here Me!

Ye Good Ole Renaissance!

Oh to go back for just a week! The sights, the sounds, the smells (well...some of the smells) the clothing, the music! I would love it.
In one of my classes, we're reading Dante's Divine Comedy.

What better way to get into the mood to read a Renaissance book, than to listen to Renaissance music? I have been listening to it nearly all day. I must say I love Renaissance music very much, though most of my friends- and sister- think I'm crazy because of that.
I found this AMAZING website where you can listen to about any type of music, and to my utter joy they had Renaissance music!

The songs that I highly recommend are: Cease Leaden Slumber Dreaming
When to her lute Corinna sings (I've memorized it and have sung it all day long), Soldier's Song (it's hilarious!), Come again sweet love doth now invite, Martin said to his man (it makes me think of Under the Greenwood Tree!), and Greensleeves.
Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The week before last, was when we went to see the musical Texas. Whilst we waiting for the musical to begin, we took some pictures, looked around at our fellow audience members, and were having a pleasant time.

Alas, my happiness was shattered when my dear friend Rebecca dealt a terrible blow to my poor nerves. She had the audacity to raise the binoculars to her eyes, not to look out at the lovely Palo Duro Canyon as any normal person would, but into the audience around us! I could have died of mortification.

Suddenly, she jerked the binoculars from her eyes, sat straight forward, and was attempting to reign in her laughter.

She was peeking into the private goings-on of a particular group whose face-making brought Rebecca much entertainment. But the tables were turned when they spotted her! Thus Rebecca was now the one to bring entertainment to them and they laughed heartily at her. Serves her right. ;)


When we got back home, my papa told us they had caught another opossum. (Recently they've caught several of the sneaky creatures in their backyard) We scurried out back to see it, and whatdaya know? It's an adorable baby possum! About the size of a small rat, though in appearance it looked more like a mouse with over-grown ears. It was climbing up the side of the cage and it's pink tail curled around the cage wire. I was brave and touched it's tail- though I must say Maddy and Rebecca were appalled. The poor thing hissed at me, but it wasn't very scary.
(Note: This is not the same baby possum that was caught)

You can't tell me that isn't cute!

So after washing my hands (NO doubt) and after getting on our pajamas, we sat down to watch Bright Star. (SAD movie, made me cry!) A little ways into it, our papa came in and told us that the Animal Control people were coming soon to get the baby opossum. We were glad for the warning. Not long after the heads up, the doorbell rang, and George (their little Maltese dog), who was sitting right next to Rebecca's head, let out a surprisingly loud howl/bark. It sounded like a lady screaming. Rebecca screamed which scared me so I screamed and jumped into her lap, then Maddy screamed and George was still yapping loudly. You can imagine we looked pretty ridiculous. After our initial scare, we laughed so hard we were snorting.lol. I am quite certain that we made that poor critter-catchin' man's night...a bit more interesting. :)

Two days later our papa took us to Cadillac Ranch where anyone can spray paint the cars. we of course HAD to buy spray paint as well. It was fun, though I must say Maddy holds the talent for artistic ideas for painting on cars. (she was so good you'd think she'd decorated cars before. hmm...lol) Me and Rebecca were pretty clueless as what to do, so we just did our initials.

All together, it was a very fun time in Amarillo with our grandparents. Can't wait to go there again!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

TEXAS & Memories

Twirling skirts, men in denim, horses onstage, singing, dancing...It can only mean one thing...its TEXAS the musical!! Last night we enjoyed the musical in the outdoor theater as the sun was setting. I was thrilled. Last year, like this year, we went to see it with our grandparents and had some very memorable moments. One of them was when I was nearly killed by a grasshopper. They are terrifying!

I could only handle a drawing...even this one disgusts me. *shivers* Looking at a real picture of one caused me to gag, get goosebumps, and quickly exit the page. Besides spiders, they are the creepiest and nastiest of bugs. ick. They're one of my big fears. Sounds stupid, but I've been scarred! One time I was walking around and one jumped on my chest and stared daggers at me with its buggy eyes while I screamed and hollered. I attempted to remove the pest from my shirt yet I couldn't do so without touching it. hm. But my most memorable (and hilarious) time was last year while going to see Texas.

So there we were *dramatic pause* driving down into the canyon, and I really had to go to lady's room. I mentioned stopping to Papa but I don't think he heard me, so we passed about five bathrooms and I'm kind of frantic. *AHEM, this is Maddy, Morgan's sis. this is what REALLY happened...she kinda WHISPERED her situation to me. Of course they didn't hear from the front seat, I barely did! ahem...yes.* Finally my dear sis saw my distress and said to please stop. So we did. As I ran towards the bathroom with Nana and sister trailing behind me, Nana said to watch out for snakes. great.

Side note: I am NOT a country girl. But I'm also NOT a city girl (can't stand the city). I can't handle bugs, but I can tolerate snakes...sort of. Also note worthy- I was wearing one of those maxi dresses that are nearly floor length (bad choice to wear in the canyon!) This in mind. I will finish my tale.

So I'm thinking hope I don't get eaten by a big snake, or bitten by a poisonous one while flinging open the door. I scanned the ground. It was all clear. I go to a stall door and as I shut it behind me, I turned and EGAD RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME is the BIGGEST grasshopper I've ever laid eyes on!! You can be sure I let out a yell that might have made even the walls of Jericho tremble. My poor sister and Nana, thinking I was being mauled by a villainous snake came running in yelling WHAT'S WRONG?! I could not answer (I'm still screaming) because to my absolute terror the foul beast was inching upwards to a more suitable position to pounce on me (I knew it's evil intentions, to be sure!) while staring at me with it's big, empty eyes. I reflect, now, and think, wow, that's stupid I kept screaming, my mouth WIDE open and everything, when that bug could have leaped into my gaping gullet. Thank the Lord that didn't happen. I might not have recovered. So while screaming it backed up far enough where I was able to fling back open the stall door and leap for safety. I don't think I've ever moved that fast before. I gasped with relief and Nana and Maddy stared at me looking terrified and I told them that a bug just about killed me (it's true). Of course, Maddy gave me a look of contempt that spoke louder than words, and Nana goes to inspect this "killer bug". She agreed with me saying it's the biggest grasshopper she'd ever seen. I then chose the stall furthest away from Creepy Bug, tho of COURSE after thoroughly inspecting it for no more hidden terrors.

I went to wash my hands at the sink (and surprise, surprise, no soap)and while rinsing them, I thought, what a funny looking counter with black dots all over. I leaned down closer for a better look. My goodness 'twas no mere specks!!! It was bugs; some dead, some still twitching! I yelped and flung myself backwards. Utterly disgusting. And then, as we were walking towards the door, I saw a hornet flying around above the door and I was like, OH NO! because flying insects with stingers just seem to know about my loathing and fear of them, and so they ALWAYS dive bomb me! no joke! I said something and Maddy's like, no big deal. leave it alone and it'll leave you alone. not so. I took a deep breath, determined to be brave, and suddenly it flew right towards me, buzzing loudly. I screamed, flinging my sister out of my way (she was going slow as Christmas), hiked up my long dress to my knees and flew out the door like the devil himself was after me. I finally made it to the car door (yes, I did check to make sure my family made it out alive) then sank into the seat, thankful that I was still in one piece. My papa said he heard me screaming even from inside the car. hehehe, oops. Once everyone was back in the car, me, Nana and Maddy burst out laughing for at least five minutes. Good times.

Thankful that nothing happened like that this year. Though we did have some good laughs!


Next time - a creepy critter, and vandalism to Cadillacs.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


This week has been spent at our aunt's house. While doing all sort of fun things like tag, hide-and-go-seek, and cops and robbers with my cousins Will (9), Grant (8), and Brock (4), I have learned an INVALUABLE lesson. :)

(Learned while playing cops and robbers)
I's a little scary being the robber, in a cramped position in a tall, cardboard box, where unseen spiders might be lurking, being paranoid because you think you hear the "cops" sneaking up, seeing their shadow pass by, being found, chased, and eventually tied up to a chair.(I should know as I was dubbed the robber) If any of my friends are thinking of going into the criminal profession (which I certainly hope they aren't!), I don't suggest it. It's tense and NOT worth the price you pay.
Get an honest job.

Monday, August 9, 2010

50 Minutes of Terror

Today on our way to my Aunt's house my mother decided it was time for me to practice driving since I've had my permit for almost a month. On the highway. *gulp* So my first time to really drive was today. She pulls off the side of the highway (thankfully its out in the middle of almost nowhere, so not too many cars) (but more 18-wheelers!) My heart is beating fast. My hands are getting sweaty. My breath quickens.... and I'm not even in the drivers seat yet. Pathetic.
I climb over into the drivers and as I buckle up and put my foot on the brake she explains how to get back on the road without killing myself. I manage to get onto the highway. I set cruise control (God bless the person who came up with that!) on 60 mph instead of 70 mph. I have never driven this fast before!
So I have a bad habit of being dramatic when scared (hard to believe, right?!) and a BIG 18-wheeler (I mean, they're all big, but they seem SO much bigger when you are actually the one behind the wheel!) starts getting closer to me and I squeal as it passes me, and I started hyperventilating. Mom reminded me to stay calm, keep in my lane, and to take deep slow breaths.
Eventually, more cars come up around me, everyone passes by me, and I wondered, how long have I been driving?? I guessed around 20 minutes so far, each second longer than the last, each minute a miracle we're still alive. I ask mom how long it has been. She checks her watch, and replies that it has been...get ready for this.... ten WHOLE minutes. My jaw nearly dropped. TEN, only ten?? It felt like an hour. Then my dear little sister pipes up in the back saying what I was thinking. ONLY TEN MINUTES?! FEELS LIKE FOREVER! precious.

Side note: One of the first times I drove (I mean not on the highway, but on a country road) I was driving down this dirt road and my sister was present at the time. A car WAY down the road appeared and I yelled, "A CAR!!" freaking out, thinking for sure I was going to be killed. She hasn't let me live that down.

OK, back to my terrifying time.
So I'm feeling pretty confident about going 60mph. That is, until I see a van pass me, with a scooter on the back! A disabled person is going faster than me! Definitely one of my low moments. That and when I ran over a beautiful, big butterfly that innocently strayed into the path of a novice driver. :'(
The whole time I'm driving I keep my arms perfectly straight, determined not to relax lest it kill us, so my arms start to cramp. I eventually feel a little more at ease after 30 minutes. Yet I was still nervous that someone would get ticked off at my slow going and flip me off or blare their horn (I swear, if that happened I would pass out or have a heart failure) Thankfully that never happened.
I'm driving and I see a sign for Sonic, where Maddy really REALLY wanted to get a hot fudge shake. Unfortunately the sign said EXIT NOW. I nearly missed it and didn't put on my brakes fast enough for my mother. Thus I kind of cut the corner fast. Plus, there's someone behind me, RIGHT behind me (as if I'm going too slow or something! psh! psh!...ahem...) And the stop sign is right below the exit, so I nearly don't brake enough again. Mom tells me just to park the car so we can switch seats. I climb over into the passenger seat and my arms just plopped into my lap like Jello. No joke. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning, my arms are going to be soooooo sore from keeping them so tense today. After my mom begins driving, I attempt to text my friend with my noddle-like hands, which didn't work so well. As i lift up my Charles Dickens book to read, my arms flop around. So I just decide to sit still, my limp, tingly arms slowly reviving.
I cannot believe we survived.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I looked up in the dictionary the true meaning of aspiration. The title I was shooting for was not to mean the pronunciation accompanied by breathing out as was one of the meanings, but rather, the desire or ambition to achieve something. It's my dream to someday create beautiful, historic gowns with soft, delicate fabrics, or heavy brocades and lovely laces. As for now, I work with cottons, yet even cottons are attractive.
These pictures are courtesy of a museum online (unfortunately I have forgotten the exact place, since our internet has been out for a week or two!) and their AMAZING collection of dresses. I like trying to imagine what each lady who where the original owners of these dresses were like and what they looked like. These are my favorites of but a few of the many, many gorgeous dresses.

This 1700's dress is adorable, and is made of cotton :)

Wish fervently we still wore this style of dress! or at least still have the option of wearing one like this without being considered "out there"

This bodice is sooooo lovely, I wonder what kind of fabric it is??

Morning dress from the 1850's. A nice cotton once again! (huzzah)

This Dinner dress from the 1870's (and the one beneath it from 1885) makes me feel crazy happy. *sigh* Oh the days when we could wear this to dinner! The soft pastel colors, the detail around the neckline and sleeve hem, the ruffles are all so perfectly feminine and delicate! I honestly would pass out if I ever got to wear something like this!

Like I said above, I feel the same way about this dress. I ADORE the belt!

Ok, the lace peeking out at the left shoulder and appearing under the bows in the skirts make me happy! the style is the norm for the late 1800's, but just the details of the lace and where they appear is just completely different from any paintings or pictures that I've seen from that time period, that it makes it a favorite!

lovely, lovely dress from the 1914's - 1917's

Evening dress from the 1950's. unfortunately there were no pictures with color, but the description said it was a pale blue with dark blue details. I'm sure it was absolutely breathtaking in the glittering lights at a party with the accessories! *sigh again*

I can imagine perfectly what the lady who once wore this looked like...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Picture I Promised

Here are the pictures.
This is the fabric I used for the stays.
Stays pinned together on my mannequin These are my drawings of the pattern I liked and the pattern pieces I figured were used to put it together.
(the lacing I just noticed is wrong for the time period. oops!)
This bodice is similar to a bodice used for the American Girl doll I had, Felicity. I always loved this dress the best out of all her different outfits. After years of dear Felicity sitting in the old playroom, I looked to her for inspiration. I'm surprised now at how accurate her clothing is! Who would've thought? :) So I'm thankful I have something to look at in case I get stuck in it's construction.
Side note: Oh! And if you're wondering what in the world happened to my bonnet, its still coming together. Slowly but surely. I've almost finished getting the crowning on the buckram.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

18th Century Stays

How long ago it was that I decided to make an eighteenth century bodice, I have no idea. This year or the last, they're kind of running together at the moment. So I was inspired to make an 18C bodice, and so I googled patterns. I found one, drew it, and am sometime going to attempt to draft my own pattern and try making a bodice myself. *gulps* But then it hit me, DUH! To make it fit proper I'm going to need the correct time period corset, or stays, whichever. So when I found the perfect fabric for the bodice-which is exactly how I had imagined it-I also found in the sale bin of scrap fabric a fairly small roll of gorgeous blue and white floral fabric. It was a bit thicker than normal cotton and I'm on a restricted budget. So i though 'hey, why not??' and decided to use the cotton instead of the usual silk. The fabric has the perfect print, since the floral patterns for the 1700's were more spiny looking rather than the round, soft flowers that came later in the next century.

Ok a little side note here: Does anyone else hate how the flimsy tissue paper used for patterns seem to float around everywhere? I mean, one time I just sighed, and the pattern flew off into a corner of my room! crazy...and not helpful.

Anyways...Last night I pinned the corset pieces together, and today found that it was a few sizes too large, even tho I had used the right size according to the measurements and the pattern. So the rest of today has been spent taking up more fabric in the seams, and a little earlier I FINALLY got it to the right size! Now all I need to get is the 30 yards of boning *gasp!* the broadcloth to line it with, and some ribbon. For the lining, I was thinking either a pale green or pale blue. Maybe the pale green? I will post pics of the pinned together stays, the fabric, and the drawing for the bodice as soon as i possibly can. (My day is going to be pretty busy tomorrow)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Poetry is Ah Sae Fine!

Poetry. What would our lives be like without it? (I shudder at the thought) I absolutely adore poetry. Just to name a few of the poets I love are Lord Alfred Tennyson, Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, and Emily Dickenson. (though I have many besides just these) My all time favorite is Robert Burns, who wrote in the Scottish Dialect.
He wrote 559 poems and songs in his short lifetime. He was born in Ayrshire, Scotland in 1759 and died in 1796. I recently discovered that his life was not what i had expected and his pleasures were not what they ought to have been. I was terribly disappointed. Well, as someone once said: love the sinner, hate the sin. The first poem I ever read of his was Handsome Nell. It's so cute and he wrote it when he was fifteen too! (how sweet)

Handsome Nell

O, once I lov'd a bonnie lass,

Aye, and I love her still;

And whilst that virtue warms my breast

I'll love my handsome Nell.


As bonnie lasses I hae seen,

And mony full as braw,

But for a modest gracefu' mien

The like I never saw.


A bonnie lass, I will confess,

Is pleasant to the e'e,

But without some better qualities

She's no a lass for me.


But Nellie's looks are blithe and sweet,

And what is best of a'

Her reputation is complete,

And fair without a flaw.


She dresses aye sae clean and neat,

Both decent and genteel;

And then there's something in her gait

Gars ony dress look weel.


A gaudy dress and gentle air

May slightly touch the heart,

But it's innocence and modesty

That polishes the dart.


'Tis this in Nelly pleases me,

'Tis this enchants my soul

For absolutely in my breast

She reigns without control.

Here's one of his songs. It's quite lovely when played on the harp.

A Red, Red Rose

O, my luve's like a red, red rose,

That's newly sprung in June:

O, my luve's like the melodie

That's sweetly played in tune.


As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

So deep in luve am I;

And I will luve thee still, my dear

Till a' the seas gang dry.


Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,

And the rocks melt w' the sun!
I will luve thee still, my dear,

While the sands o' life shall run.


And fare thee weel, my only luve!

And fare thee weel a while!

And I will come again, my luve,

Though it were ten thousand miles.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Stars at Night are Big and Bright...

Yesterday was one of my best friend's Birthday party and around midnight, we got sleeping bags and blankets to lay out on her upstairs deck. We had brought a TV out there and watched a chick flick, then afterwards, we lay back looking at the stars. Even though we were in the suburbs, I was awed at how many stars brightly shone in the night sky! I don't know about you, but every time I lay back and watch the stars I feel so peaceful and close to God. Then I thought how the sky was like black fabric pulled over the heavens. Behind the fabric is Heaven and all the glory of God. And each star was a pinprick in that fabric, allowing a tiny hole to allow that Light to shine through. Then at the end of the world, when Jesus comes back in all His glory, and defeats Satan, that God will roll back the black fabric and we will behold Him Who Created heaven and earth. Makes me giddy with happiness to think of it, not to mention an amazing peace.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language were their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world.

~ Psalm 19:1-4

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Bonnie Blue Bonnet

Several months ago (truth be told, last year) I began a bonnet which i planned to wear to the Bonnie Blue Ball. Alas, it was not finished. Until recently, it's lain somewhat (not quite) forgotten in a dark corner of my room collecting dust (no joke) and now I've started working on it again.

This is the McCall's pattern I'm using. Last night and this morning I have been working on getting the piping juuuust right. I'm a real perfectionist when it comes to my sewing projects which can be rather frustrating. Now I'm working on the "crown" and for some reason it does not fit exactly how it should, even though I cut the fabric and the buckram the required length. Ach! So now I have to move back the second contrasting piping back further from the edge than called for. Like so...

Once I get the piping finished, I'm going to sew lace around the inside edge to frame the face. When that is finished and the crown and lining, I'm going to work on bending the wire into the right shape. For now it's just going to stay a bit bended.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Lovely Sunday Afternoon...The Perfect Time to Begin a Blog

I have finally been persuaded by my dear friend to begin a blog. This blog will be a conglomeration of my thoughts, bits of stories I write, favorite verses, poems and hymns, as well as what new project I'm working on or dreaming of. (for I frequently get swept away by new ideas) Since today is a beautiful Sunday, I think I'll begin with one of my most beloved hymns. It's an Ancient Irish hymn, and the music is an Irish folk melody.

Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught all else to me, save that Thou art-
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy Presence my light.
Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thy my true word;
I ever with Thee and Thy with me Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son,
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.
Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise.
Thou my inheritance, now and always;
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.
High King of heaven, my victory won,
May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still by my vision, O Ruler of all.