Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Picture I Promised

Here are the pictures.
This is the fabric I used for the stays.
Stays pinned together on my mannequin These are my drawings of the pattern I liked and the pattern pieces I figured were used to put it together.
(the lacing I just noticed is wrong for the time period. oops!)
This bodice is similar to a bodice used for the American Girl doll I had, Felicity. I always loved this dress the best out of all her different outfits. After years of dear Felicity sitting in the old playroom, I looked to her for inspiration. I'm surprised now at how accurate her clothing is! Who would've thought? :) So I'm thankful I have something to look at in case I get stuck in it's construction.
Side note: Oh! And if you're wondering what in the world happened to my bonnet, its still coming together. Slowly but surely. I've almost finished getting the crowning on the buckram.