Thursday, November 18, 2010

Les Miserables

Last night was the best night ever! My sister, mom, and i joined our friends to go see the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables. I cannot tell you just how absolutely breathtaking it was! We arrived and could barely breath with excitement, sat down after getting refreshments and impatiently waited until the movie began. When the lights dimmed I thought I was going to die of excitement!

Almost every song had me in tears, and when the unbelievably talented actors and actresses hit those amazing notes, I just sat there, draw dropped, with a silly grin on my face. It was SO crazy hard not to burst out into song, which, haha, we actually did...quietly. Oh! Is it even possible to describe such talent?? Even the orchestra had me in tears! It was the closest thing to perfect music on this earth. (well, most of it was...)

When the most remarkable concert ended, just when I thought it couldn't get ANY better, suddenly the crowd split, and out came the ORIGINAL cast from 1985!! Me and Rebecca couldn't stop cheering. Then they began to sing!! If I had died right then, I would have died completely happy! *sigh* Afterwards the two Frenchmen who originated the musical came out said a few words! I am surprised I didn't start crying at that too! It's now my dream preform in Les Miserables! Though I must say, if I'm going to be in it, I'm going to have to learn not to cry every time someone sings. ;)

Here's a glimpse of what we experienced. Grab the Kleenex... And btw, this isn't my video, unfortunately, we were not at the London performance, just at a movie theater in Ft. Worth. (the guy in the white, puffy shirt is Alfie Boe and he was the man who played Jean Valjean in the production we watched last night. He has such incredible talent!!)


  1. Oooh...sounds amazing! :) I've gotten to see most of the concert on youtube, but it must have been simply incredible on the big screen! :) VERY neato.

    What did you think of Alfie Boe (sp?) who played Valjean? I personally don't care for one beats Colm Wilkinson! ^_^ He is just incredible. I have a little playlist of some of his stuff that I listen to all the time. :)

    Anyway - neato that you got to go! :)

    ~ Michaela

  2. "If I had died right then, I would have died completely happy!"... haha, I know that feeling! ;) Great post~ so glad you girls saw it on the BIG SCREEN!*!*!

  3. Thanks for the comments! And Michaela, I really like Alfie Boe, he has such an amazing voice and is like the second best tenor in Britain (something like that ) But I also like Colm Wilkinson. Both were blessed with AMAING talent! :)

  4. I watched this on PBS, and I was in tears too. EVERYONE was fantastic, from Alfie to, surprisingly, Nick Jonas. I wish I could've seen it in theaters, though -- you are uber-lucky.. :)
