Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Lovely Fall Day

Today I went with my mother and sister to go shopping. At Southlake Town Square we went to Bath and Body Works where I found dazzlingly beautiful glitter (I'm a sucker for glittery things) and just to have fun rubbed some on my face. I had no idea it was dark purple glitter and my sweet sister hastily rubbed it off, whispering it looked awful. Goodness gracious! What would I do without Maddy?! We got a good laugh from that incident. After a few more stores we went to Jo Ann's where I finally got the fabric for a 70's dress I needed for a play we're in. The pattern unfortunately called for horrendous fabric. A double knit polyester. *gasp* At least I was able to get it in bright mustard yellow! :)
Afterwards we went to Target where we bought fun colored tights in hot pink and teal for Maddy, and purple and navy for me. Also worth mentioning, Maddy convinced me to let her try peacock blue eyeliner on me. Once she applied it she grimaced. Not exactly reassuring! I rushed around trying to find a mirror and once I did, I just had to laugh. Maddy had (accidentally) way overdone the wet eyeliner and made a blobby mess. After smearing a bit off, I managed to make it look decent, sort of. lol.
Heading out to the car, Maddy stood on the front of the cart while I ran and pushed it. I'm sure it was like flying. Once we loaded up the car and waited for mom to come back, we turned up the volume of the radio and sang our hearts out. Driving home we sang some more, laughed and admired the lovely sunset and the sliver of a moon rising up in the night sky. Altogether a lovely fall day, even though I had to do Biology homework afterwards and the bright blue eyeliner turned out to be waterproof. Lol. Fun day.

1 comment:

  1. haha. how fun! :)

    also. you were tagged. come and obtain you orders.
