Thursday, August 12, 2010


This week has been spent at our aunt's house. While doing all sort of fun things like tag, hide-and-go-seek, and cops and robbers with my cousins Will (9), Grant (8), and Brock (4), I have learned an INVALUABLE lesson. :)

(Learned while playing cops and robbers)
I's a little scary being the robber, in a cramped position in a tall, cardboard box, where unseen spiders might be lurking, being paranoid because you think you hear the "cops" sneaking up, seeing their shadow pass by, being found, chased, and eventually tied up to a chair.(I should know as I was dubbed the robber) If any of my friends are thinking of going into the criminal profession (which I certainly hope they aren't!), I don't suggest it. It's tense and NOT worth the price you pay.
Get an honest job.


  1. hehe, I used to play cops & robbers all the time w/ my sister!!!

  2. cousins and nephews! My lil nephew is a ball full of energy!
