Friday, April 1, 2011

Bunny Drama

       Brace yourself, I'm about  to be extravagant and post two blog posts in one day. Forgive me, but I probably won't have any time the rest of this week. :)  
      Since last semester, Madison and I have been helping our friend Rebecca out with the junior drama class. They're putting on The Velveteen Rabbit, a lovely tale of a toy rabbit and its little boy. Its been pretty fun, and this week has been tech week for them. Tonight was their first performance! To tell you the truth, I was more nervous for them than they were for themselves, haha. They did wonderfully. 
       My job as one of the backstage helpers is to hide behind the set and feed the little kids their lines if they forget them. I'm sure it looks hilarious, since I'm standing close to the cracks of the set walls, a script in hand and whispering, what appears to be, to the wall, hoping the younger kids can hear me. Most of the time they do, so that's a relief. I'm not looking ridiculous for no reason! : ) Another job of mine is to be one of the characters (a horse) neighs. The girl has to neigh in two different parts of the play, but she doesn't, hence, I have to neigh for her, haha. Tonight was the first time I ever neighed for the horse, and the first time was a fail (to be sure) but the second time I neighed with all my might, tyring to actually be heard. After my loud horse noise I nearly burst out laughing, and kept a hand over my mouth and with my other hand held my nose since I have a terrible habit of snorting while laughing... Rebecca has told me that if you hold your nose when laughing, it is impossible to snort. My other friends backstage quietly applauded me and were trying not to laugh hard either. It was VERY difficult to regain composure, but I finally managed to pick back up where the little kids were. Altogether, they did a wonderful job and the audience seemed to love it. One play down, one more to go, tomorrow. Gotta love it. Cross your fingers that their next play is even better! ;)
Oh, and I asked my dad later if he heard my neigh...negative. Drat.


  1. Uh-oh...I hope Uncle Brad doesn't read this post or he might get freaked out! :)

  2. That's hilarious! I'll have to send him pictures of the play...;)
