Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Handy Man and Driving

       Our Dad is very talented. He's a doctor most of the time, a handy man and carpenter the rest of the time. He can paint and is a wonderful photographer. He also is very patient and calm when instructing his daughters who tend to over-react while driving. ;)
       So today Maddy and I decided to go with our Dad to help him put a lock on one of the doors at his office. To make story short, we weren't much help, except for finding ways to bring in more light (the part of the building we were in didn't have lights yet), bringing some noise to the really quiet building, trying to stable the door while our dad drilled and we vaccuumed. Other than that, we were no more help to him than our little yorkie would have. lol. But we had fun hanging out with our dad in the meantime.
       Maddy has her permit now and Dad was very kind and let her drive there, and I was in the back seat of the truck praying REALLY hard that we'd actually make it to his office alive. Maddy has always been the reckless one, ever since we were tiny. She ran everywhere and always got herself hurt. Now she's the reckless driver. *gulp* I'm the cautious driver, just saying. I'm always terrified I'm too close to the other lane and so I normally wind up on the edge of the road. Maddy, on the other hand, practically drives in the wrong lane! To say the least, its terrifying. And I must say, I need to be more encouraging when she's driving since I normally say things like, "STOP DRIVING IN THE OPPOSITE LANE! I'M GOING TO BE HIT!" ahem.


  1. Love your new page Morgie! And love the post. You and Maddie are blessed with a WONDERFUL mother and father!


    And it's true, Maddy. You must admit.
