Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dear Jude

My baby cousin Jude is 6 months old. He was just diagnosed with Neuroblastoma yesterday. Today is his surgery, at noon. Would you please keep him in your prayers? Please also keep his parents in your prayers. Praise the Lord that they caught the cancer early! That's encouraging! Its so surreal. You know it happens to other people's families, and you feel bad for them and keep them in your prayers, but you never think it could happen to your family, especially not to a baby cousin. We're in Amarillo right now and helping to take care of James, Jude's older brother. Hopefully we'll get to see Jude before he goes into surgery! Could you also pray that Jude's blood will clot so they can perform the surgery, as well as for the doctors?


  1. I have a baby cousin and I can not even imagine him being diagnosed cancer or anything of that sort. Your family will be in my prayers.

  2. Thank ya'll so much! We really appreciate your prayers! The surgery went well and the doctors were able to remove the cancer and it hasn't spread, so thats a major blessing, praise the Lord! :)

  3. Thank you my Morgie! And thank you for taking care of my other baby today. I love you so much!
    Aunt Snuzi
