Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Help Meet

I'm thrilled to pieces! Tomorrow is the beginning of a Small Group of 13 girls reading the book below, and it's at our house. I'm so excited! It is one of the BEST devotionals I have ever read. For all of you single girls 14 and up , I highly recommend it!
(isn't it gorgeous!)
The back of the book reads:
I can think of nothing I want more
than someone to truly love me.
You spend your time pining away for your
true love and suddenly... you're married and
it is a lot more than you bargained for. Now is
the hour you should be preparing to be a wife- to
be a help meet.
What does a good guy really look for in a girl?
are you a Dreamer, Servant, or Go-to Gal?
Do you know what to pray for your man-to-be?
Should you tell a guy you like him?
Can you know God's will in choosing a husband?

As soon as I read that I immediately flipped it back to the front and flew through the book. It truly is amazing and was really convicting. I need to pray more, change the way I talk to being more positive instead of negative, I need to start learning about how to fix things around the house, how to cook a whole meal. For most of you girls out there, you probably already know that. Me? I know how to bake cookies, omelets, sandwiches and shortbread. I'm afraid my skills are bit lacking there.
Hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!

Friday, September 17, 2010


My life since the last post has been crazy busy!
I've been...
1. getting back into the groove with school. We go attend a christian academy for homeschoolers, where the classes are amazing but the homework is quite consuming!
2. waiting on repairmen because several things are being improved at our house.
3. hanging out briefly with our friends on the weekends.
4. hoping to work on different sewing projects. Which are barely being touched since World View is taking up most of my time!
5. working towards my license...Slow but steady wins the race is what i keep telling myself.
(and the most exciting thing is...)
6. yesterday we packed quick as lightening and drove as fast as we legally could towards Amarillo to see our new baby cousin! We are SO completely in love with Jude Quinn (isn't that the cutest name??) and are marveling at how darling he is!
Aunt Snuzi and Uncle Brad brought home Jude today and we all laid on the bed talking and cooing over the new baby. Baby James (well, not the baby any more!) is the best big brother, held Jude gave him a slobbery kiss on the nose and laid his head on the little bundle of baby. So sweet!
Holding Jude's hand, I marvel at how tiny he is! His skin is incredibly soft and he makes such soft little cooing noises. There's nothing so sweet as a new born baby!
Here is a link to see pictures of Jude Quinn.
I think it is so fun to be the oldest cousin out of seven. I cannot wait until I am more experienced driver and can take my little cousins out to the park or to feed the ducks at the pond. Until then I can just enjoy holding and playing with my little cousins.
Maddy and I are the oldest and only girls out of the seven cousins on my mother's side. I often wonder where on earth do little boys get their energy?? ;)